Spiritual Chat 33 - Expanded Version                           About Spiritual Chat 33
Title: "The Only Way To Win The Drama Is Not To Play",
Date: November 15, 2002,
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi Smith

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us. 

May God help us all.  My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Text of Spiritual Chat 33 (expanded version):

4.  A Prayer, And Four Wisdom Points For Helping Us To Successfully Deal
          With Our "Outside"


This material has been very helpful for this child, living at the feet of our Shaikh, of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of God within Him

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:


Yes indeed, that was a precious evening, when you came to the Fellowship with our brother and sisters from Canada. The advantage of writing it down as a Spiritual Chat (like we are doing now) is that we can read it over and over. Al hamdu lillah.

As more difficult (things) comes (to me) on the "outside" of me, which for me (at this time) is living with my sisters, then more understanding and grace comes (to me) on the "inside" of me.  (And that is the grace of it).  But then certain things have to be spoken on the outside and that is very difficult for us.

It is very difficult for us to assert ourselves and to speak up for our needs. Even when we call on Bawa and we get the message to speak, the cowardly me is holding back and then resenting it.


That is not what is happening.


It seems to us like that, (like it is happening that way).   Please explain to us what is happening.

4-a.  A Prayer For Help


A  prayer to Bawa within us, and to God within Him, to teach us

          "What we do not know."

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:


Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. 

O our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), please, please, please come out of our innermost heart, which is where you reside within us, and where God resides within you, and come into our mind and desire, which is where we currently reside with our brothers and sister in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, and "teach us what we do not know".

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

4-b.  First Wisdom Point: "Nothing Has To Be Ever Spoken On The "Outside"
          Of Us"


Because there is no one really on the "outside" of us to hear, since everyone on the "outside" of us is really but "us", disguised as our brothers and sisters, and animated as "separate from" us by the "schemes of our mind", and as such, are always too busy talking to "us", being "separate from" us, to hear "us".

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:

First, nothing has to be ever spoken on the "outside" of us.   Because the "outside" is just a dream, it has no validity, it is just something that is trying to engage you, to pull you into itself so it can be nourished on the "inside" of you by the "outside" of you, so it can feed off your life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, so it can feed off of "you" as you sin, as you live "separate from" God on the "outside" of you, and "separate from" your brothers and sister on the "outside" of you, and "separate from" the Creation of God on the "outside", as you sin.

As you live "separate from"  God within you, "separate from" your brothers and sisters within you, and "separate from" the Creation of God within you, all of which God has personally and ever so lovingly placed "inside" of you, even before you came to the
, to the earth world, to the "School of Contrasts" called the world, that you are now experiencing in your ignorance as all existing "outside" of you.

This is why Bawa teaches us,

          "There is no world, there is no body,
          There is no self, there is nothing that is I".

          "All that you see is a dream,
          All that you do is just a thought within that dream,
          All that you appear as is hidden."

          "Life is a feast of the world,
          Its medicine is a time after a time."

4-c.  Second Wisdom Point: "Nothing Is Ever Really Happening On The
           "Outside" Of Us"


Because in truth our "outside" is but a very, very small reflection of our "inside", of the huge world of darkness hidden within us, just enough of a reflection to keep the lives of darkness within us well fed and alive, to keep them fed and alive through our sins, through our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:

Second, nothing is ever really happening on the "outside" of us.  Because our "outside" is in truth but a reflection of our "inside".  In truth everything is really happening on the "inside" of us, but because of our current state of ignorance we see our "inside" as existing on the "outside" of us.  Because of our ignorance about "who we are", about "where we are", and about "what is happening" in our life, everything that is really happening on the "inside" of us, which are the 400 trillion, ten thousand, spiritual lives of darkness living within a huge world of darkness on the "inside" of us, are seen in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, are seen as "us" and our brothers and sisters living in the world of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us.

This is why Bawa teaches us,

          "The world that you see "outside" of you is but a reflection of all of the lives of
          darkness that are living within you."

4-d. Third Wisdom Point: "We May Be Missing The Point Of Our Life, And
          Wasting Our Life"


We may be wasting our life, a life which in truth is the seed of God, hidden within the
seed of True Man
, hidden within the heart of our Shaikh, we may be missing the point of our life, which is the story of God, hidden within the story of True Man within us, and the story of True Man, hidden within the story of God within us, the stories of God and True Man within us, that we have come into the heart of our Shaikh, to join with our Shaikh, to tell, that we have come into our Shaikh, who is like the Earth of God, who is the Umm al-Qur'an, the Mother of our wisdom, the Inner Qur'an within us, within our innermost heart, that we have come to our Shaikh, to join with our Shaikh, to tell.

We may be losing forever out connection to our Shaikh within us, and to God within Him, like an apple seed that fails to germinate in the earth wastes its life, like an apple seed that is buried in the earth can waste its life, if the apple seed, which in truth is the seed of the apple fruit, which is hidden within the seed of the apple tree, which is hidden within the earth, fails to germinate in the earth, losing forever its connection to the apple tree and apple fruit hidden within it, losing forever its connection to the story of the apple tree hidden within the story of the apple fruit, and to the story of the apple fruit hidden within the story of the apple tree, that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:

Third, you are missing the point of your life, and wasting your life.  The point of your life in the world, of our life which in truth is the seed of God hidden within the seed of True Man within you, is the life that reveals the Oneness of God and True Man within you, is the life which tells the story of God within the story of True Man within you, and tells the story of True Man within the story of God within you, which in truth is what God and True Man are doing within you, which in truth is the life of grace, wisdom and 'ilm or divine knowledge within you, which in truth is God revealing True Man within the Creation of God within you, and True Man revealing God within the Creation of True Man within you.

And the completion of the story of God within the story of True Man within you, is God within True Man within you.  And the completion of the story of True Man within the story of God within you, is True Man within God within you.

And as such They are One within "you", with "you" as the "Seed of Them" within "Them", and "you" are One within "Them", with "Them" as the "Tree of You" within you as the "Seed of Them", and as such, "you" and They are One within "you", with "you" as the "Fruit of Them" within "Them" as the "Tree of You", and "They" and "you" are One within "you", with "Them" as the "Taste of You" within "you" as the "Fruit of Them". And again, They are One within "you", with "you" again as the "Seed of Them" within Them, with "Them" as the "Earth of You".

Such is our true heritage, our true birthright, my dearest loving sister Rumi, may we both think about this a little.  It is very, very important.  Everything else is drama.

And as such, "you" as the "Three of You" within you, as the - Disciple, Shaikh, and God - within you, as the Seed of True Man hidden within the Seed of God within you, are One, are One within the Triple Flame of God within you, as the Triple Flame of God
within you, as -
Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - within you, as the Seed of God hidden within the Seed of True Man within you, are also One, are One within the "Three of You" within you.

And as such, God, True Man, and the Creation of God, and the Creation of True Man are One, One within the other as One, One revealing the Other within it, One hiding Itself within the Other as it reveals the Other.

As the point of the life of the apple seed, of life of the apple seed, which in truth is the seed of the apple fruit, hidden within the seed of the apple tree, is the life that reveals the Oneness of the apple fruit, hidden within the apple tree, hidden within the apple seed, is the life that tells the story of the apple fruit, within the story of the apple tree, within the apple seed, and the life that tells the story of the apple tree, within the story of the apple fruit, within the apple seed, which in truth is what the apple fruit and the apple tree will do within the apple seed, if the apple seed germinates within the earth, if the apple seed realizes, understands, accepts, and joins with the truth that naturally emerges from within it, when it is ready to hear it, which in truth is the life of grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge within the apple seed, which in truth is the apple fruit revealing the apple tree within the apple seed buried within the earth, and the
apple tree revealing
the apple fruit within the apple flower hidden within the apple tree.

And the completion of the story of the apple tree within the story of the apple fruit within the apple seed, is the apple tree within the apple fruit within the apple seed, and the completion of the story of the apple fruit within the story of apple tree within the apple seed, is the apple fruit within the apple tree within the apple seed, and as such They are One, and as such the apple seed, which is the seed of the apple fruit hidden within the seed of the apple tree, and the apple fruit, and the apple tree are One, One within the other as One, One revealing the Other within it, One hiding Itself within the Other as it reveals the Other.

My dearest loving sister Rumi, this is the point of our life, of all of our lives, this is the truth of our life, of all life, the Oneness of God and True Man within us, within everything, which is either directly revealed by our life of grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge, by  "Us", as the seed of God hidden within the seed of True Man within us, or indirectly pointed to by the life of grace, wisdom, and 'ilm of each of the Creation of God, by the seed of everything in the Creation of God, like the apple seed
points to this truth
within it, to the Oneness of God and True Man within it, by being the apple seed, by hiding within itself the seed of the apple fruit hidden within the seed of the apple tree.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

My dearest loving sister Rumi, in this way, the point of your life is not your life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, and what you and your brothers and sister are doing on the "outside" of you, is not your life of sin on the "outside" of you, is not your current temporary life of "separation from" God within you, of "separation from" your brothers and sisters both within you and "outside" of you, and of "separation from" the Creation of God also both within you and "outside" of you.

A life of "separation from" that only nourishes the lives of darkness living "inside" of you, while you are alive in the illusory world "outside" of you, and that only eventually leads you to the Angel of Death, when you die, when you die to the illusory world on the "outside" of you, or this illusory "outside" world is prematurely destroyed for all of us, by one of us, sending you, and in the case of a premature destruction, sending all of us, to the suffering of the grave, to Qiyamah (The Standing Forth; The Day of Judgment), and finally to an eternal life of "separation from" God.

No, the point of your life is not this, it is something beyond all of this, like the point of the apple seed buried within the earth is beyond the life that the apple seed experiences before it germinate within the earth. 

Lets think about this, lets think about what Bawa has told us about the story of the apple seed buried within the earth, before and after it germinates, for a moment.

In this way, Bawa asked us one day,

          "Why does an apple seed germinate?"

And after hearing all of our answers to this question, our answers that came from our life in the world, from our parents, from our school teaches, and from science, answers that all had to do with the 5 elements, like earth, fire, water, air, or ether.

Then Bawa looked at us, smiled and said,

          "No, my Children, that is not why an apple seed germinates, not through the 5

          "An apple seed germinates because it becomes aware that it is an apple seed, it
          becomes aware that it is buried in the earth, and it becomes aware that the earth
          contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it can grow."

          "Then the earth becomes aware that the apple seed is now aware that it is an
          apple seed, that it is buried in the earth, and that the earth contains everything
          necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow."

          "Then out of this mutual awareness, the earth surrenders to the apple seed, and
          the apple seed surrenders to the earth, and the apple seed germinates.  That is
          why the apple seed germinates, through awareness, through the realization of the
          truth that emerges from within it, not because of anything having to do within the
          5 elements."

4-e. Fourth Wisdom Point: "We May  Be Failing To Accept Our Faults With
          Our Wisdom"


In this way, instead of accepting our faults with our wisdom, we may be trying to
change them, to change the faults within "us", with our ignorance, with our mind and desire, with our life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, and through our relationships with our brothers and sister who live with "us" in the dream of "self" existence, in the illusory world that we collectively see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:

Fourth, you are failing to accept your faults, and instead are trying to change them.  You are in the business of either denying your faults, of hiding your faults, or of trying to fix or change your faults, rather than in the business of joining with your Shaikh within you, and with God within Him, to complete the intention of God and of your Shaikh within you, which is to reveal your Shaikh within you and to reveal God within Him, and in a similar way, you are in the business of liking yourself and dis-liking yourself, rather than in the business of liking God and disliking everything that God has discarded. 

In this way, in truth your efforts are being directed to worshipping the "self" on the "outside" of you, rather than worshipping God within you, to worshipping the Rumi that has grown within you that is "separate from" God within you, your first child which in truth is the child of darkness within you that you have given birth to within you, around the age of two, within your mind and desire, but which is now seen in your ignorance as "you" and your brothers and sisters living in the world that you all see as existing "outside" of you, rather than worshipping God within you, rather than worshipping your Shaikh within you, and God within Him, rather than growing the Rumi within you that is "One with" God within you, which in truth is the child of light within you, the child of
wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge within you, your second child which you must now give birth to within you, within your Shaikh within you and within God within Him, by joining in partnership within your Shaikh within you, and God within Him. 

This is the only work left for you, or any of us, to complete, the birth of the child of
light within our very own hearts, within our wisdom and within the truth of God within us, within our Shaikh within us and within God within Him, by allowing our Shaikh within us to become our soul, with "us" becoming His form, the form of our soul, with "us" becoming the Shaikh, and with God within our Shaikh becoming the True Disciple within us, the true child of light that has to emerge from within us, from within our Shaikh within us, and from within God within Him, as the Light of God to the world, that will destroy the "beast" that is lurking within all of us, and transform the here, the
, the earth world, into akhirah, into the hereafter, here and now, into the kingdom of God, into the 8th heaven or firdaus of Muhammad (Sal.).

That is all that is left for any of us, living in this age, in this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).  May we all know this now, and act accordingly.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

In this way, my dearest loving sister Rumi, we must all realize that all of our efforts directed "outside" of us, rather than "inside" of us, are just different ways of worshipping the "self" on the "outside" of us, rather than worshipping God within us, are just different ways of nourishing the child of darkness that we have grown in our ignorance within us, rather than giving birth to the child of light within us, which when He comes to maturity within us, as our purified heart, as our Ahmad, is then reflected in our face or Muham, as Muhammad (Sal.), as the Beauty of God, for all lives living in both the "outside" of us, and in the "inside" of us to see.

We must realize that everything else that we do on the "outside" of us, other than reflecting the Beauty of God within us, to all of the lives within us, and other than reflection the Beauty of God known as Muhammad (Sal.) on the "outside" of us, to all of the lives still living only on the "outside" of us, other than this divine work of
(Sal) within us, are but different forms of the same thing, of the one thing that in our ignorance holds our focus, our attention at all time, which is "self-fish" worship on the "outside" of us, rather than God worship within us and "outside" of us.

5. The Two Paths That God Has Personally Given Each of Us


The Straight Path, the Suratal Mustaqueem, the path that leads us directly to God, the path that leads us to an eternal life of "Oneness with God, and the Other Path, the path we are all currently following.

And the Other Path, which is all path Other Then the Straight Path, which are all of the path that keeps us off the Straight Path, and there are over 400 trillion, 10  thousand Other Paths, and all of them are the paths that keeps us "separate from" God, the path that keep us living "outside" of us with our brothers and sister until we die, or until the "outside" of all of us is prematurely destroyed by one of us, the path that leads us to the Angel of Death, to the suffering of the grave, to Qiyamah (The Standing Forth; The Day of Judgment), and eventually to an eternal life of "separation from" God

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:

And in this way, we must become clear in our life, that there are these two very different paths in this world, that lead "us" to two very different lives in the next world, two very different ways of looking at the things of this world, and dealing with the things that happen in this world, and that happen to us living in the world with our brothers and sisters, and in this way, we must learn how to properly conduct ourselves in the world, while we are still living in the world.

There is the Straight Path and the Other Path, and we must learn to differentiate between them, and always walk only the Straight Path, avoiding at all costs the Other Path. 

The Straight Path, which in the Islamic tradition is called the Suratal Mustaqueem, can be recognized by "Self-less" business, by a life that has no drama, has no "mine" and "yours", has no "separation and differences", by a life that is drama-less, that is "One with" all other life, and because God is "Drama-less", because God is "One with" all lives, because God has none of these other things either, it is the Path that leads us directly to God, preventing us from extending our temporary life of "separation from" God, that we are all currently experiencing, into an eternal life of "separation from" God.

But instead substitutes our temporary life of "separation from" God with a temporary life of "Oneness with" God, so when we do eventually die, or the "outside" world of all of us is prematurely destroyed, our life naturally becomes an eternal life of "Oneness with" God, allowing us to benefit and grow, and to progress on the path of God in this world and in the next world, allowing us to avoid the Other Path, which instead leads us to the Angel of Death, bringing us to the station of death while we are still living a temporary life of "separation from" God, opening up in this way the journey of 105 million rebirths for us, the suffering of the grave, Qiyamah (The Standing Forth; The Day of Judgment), and eventually an eternal life of "separation from" God.

The Other Path can be recognized by "Self" business, by a life that has a "worldly focus", by a life that is still caught up in the drama of life in the world "outside" of us, in the drama of "mine" and "yours", of "separation and differences", in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, in the drama that naturally flows out of a life that is openly "separate from" everything and everyone else, that in a more subtle way is also "separate from" God within us.

As well as "separate from" all of the stuff of God within us, which includes the grace, wisdom, and 'ilm or divine knowledge of God within us, which includes the Creation of God within us, the 14 worlds within us, the 18,000 universes within us, the 1000 generosities of God within us, the 124,000 prophets of God within us, the Ocean of Grace, Wisdom, and 'Ilm within us, the Sirr or Secret World of God within us, the Dhat or Essence Life of God within us, the Qutb or Grace Life of God within us, the Umm al-Qur'an, the Mother of Man's Wisdom within us, as well as, the 9 Stations of
(Sal.) within us, and the 11 Weapons of the Qutb within us, etc., etc..

The Other Path is a life that is focused on the what is "outside" of us, which includes "us" and our brothers and sisters, as well as, the stuff of "us" and of our brothers and sisters, and includes living and prospering in our "outside" world through our relationships with our brothers and sisters "outside" of us, and with all of the stuff of the world existing "outside" of us, prospering in every way that we can, like physically, materially, and spiritually, enjoying our prosperity while living in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us with our brothers and sisters, but always "separate from" everything "inside" of us, which includes "separate from" God within us, and "separate from" the Creation of God within us.

While the Straight Path is focused on what is "inside" of us, which includes "us" and our brothers and sisters, as well as, the stuff of "us" and of our brothers and sisters, and includes living and prospering in our "inside" world through our relationships with our brothers and sisters "inside" of us, and with all of the stuff of the world existing "inside" of us, prospering in every way we can, like physically, materially, and spiritually, enjoying our prosperity while living in the world that we see in our wisdom as existing "inside" of us with our brothers and sisters, but always "One with" everything "inside" of us, which includes "One with" God within us, with the truth of God within us,  "One with" our Shaikh within us, with our wisdom within us, "One with" our brothers and sisters within us, and "One with" the Creation of God within us.

In this way, the Straight Path is a life of God focus for all of us, for "us" and for all of our brothers and sisters, a life of God focus that looks exclusively at "God's" business within us, not at "Our" business "outside" of us, a life and focus that looks at "us" as "One with" God within us, rather than trying to play the drama of our life on the "outside" of us, a life and focus that lets the drama that is our life on the "outside" of us come to a natural end, by not feeding it, by not nourishing it, by not engaging it, in any way, like a plant that you stop watering an feeding quickly dies.

6.  Recognizing With Our Wisdom The Difference Between The Two Paths


With our wisdom we need to recognize the difference between the two paths that we have been given by God, between the two paths that lead us either toward an eternal life of "Oneness with" God, and away from an eternal life of "separation from" God, or away from an eternal life of "Oneness with God, and toward an eternal life  of "separation from" God.

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:

The main point is to recognize the difference between these two paths, the Straight Path and the Other Path, and to know how to deliberately move from the Other path to the Straight Path, and when we have accidentally slipped off of the Straight Path, what to do about our slip to get us immediately back on the Straight Path.

In this way, whenever we, or any of our brothers and sisters, are engaged in this "self" business on the "outside" of us, whenever we mistakenly start to walk the Other Path, which includes "us" liking or dis-liking ourselves, or any of our brothers and sisters that we see as existing with "us" in the world "outside" of us, or whether it be showing off
trying to hide ourselves or any of our brothers and sisters, or whether it be advertising ourselves or any of our brothers and sisters, or trying to improve, or get rid of, ourselves or any of our brothers and sisters, while living in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us. 

All of this kind of effort, this "self" business, is just different forms of the same thing, of the one thing, of the one thing that is most characteristic of our mind and desire, of the Other Path, which is "self " worship on the "outside" of us, rather than God worship within us..

This is why Bawa teaches us that,

          "Liking yourself and dis-liking yourself are just two sides of the same coin, the
          coin of "self-worship".

Because both focus on you as "separate from" God, on the life that in your ignorance has temporarily grown "outside" of you, both focus on the lies of darkness within you that you see in you ignorance as existing "outside" of you."

7.  Fixing Our Problem of "Separation From God" Is Easy, Simply Shift Our


To fix the problem that we have, which is "separation from" God, is simply, we just need to shift our focus, shift our focus from "us" as "separate from" God, to "us" as "One with" God, from "us" as what is "outside" of us, to "us" as what is "inside" of us,
"us" as us and our brothers and sister living "separate lives" on the "outside" of us, to "us" as us, our Shaikh, and God living "One life" on the "inside" of us.

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:

In summary, your focus is off, you are looking at the wrong thing, you are looking at the "outside" of you rather than the "inside" of you, and you are using the wrong instrument to travel the path, you are using the power of the elements, you are using your mind and desire, you are using the400 trillion, 10 thousand spiritual energies,
rather than
the Power of God, rather than your wisdom, and the truth of God within you, rather than the 124, 000 prophets of God, the 1000 generosities of God, the 9 manifestaions of Muhammad (Sal.), and the 11 weapons of the Qutb, and in this way,
you are putting
your effort into the wrong thing, into the "outside" of you, into both "you" and your brothers and sister, all living "separate" lives on the "outside" of you,
rather than
into the "inside" of you, rather than into the "Three of You" rather than into "you" and Bawa, and God within Him, all living as One "inside" of you.

That is all that is happening.  So the problem is very easy to fix.  Just change your focus, from "outside" to "inside", from talking to yourself, which is talking to your mind and desire, to talking to Bawa, and to God within Him, which is your wisdom, and the truth of God within you.

Instead of looking at "you" and your brothers and sisters living on the "outside" of you, and what "you" and they are doing on the "outside" of you, shift your focus to Bawa within you, and to God within Him, shift your focus to what Bawa within you is doing within you, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within you, and to what God is doing within Bawa within you, which is revealing God within the Creation of True Man within you. 

May we both do it like that, my dearest loving sister Rumi. Amen.

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Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all. 

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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This page was last updated on: November 22, 2002