Spiritual Chat 33 - Expanded Version                           About Spiritual Chat 33
Title: "The Only Way To Win The Drama Is Not To Play",
Date: November 15, 2002,
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi Smith

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us. 

May God help us all.  My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Text of Spiritual Chat 33 (Expanded Version): - continued

8. The Real Problem Is The Problem Within The Problem


The real problem is the problem hidden within the problem that is "you", the real problem is that you can't solve the problem that is "you", the problem of "you" living in the world "outside" of you, of "you" living "separate from" God on the "outside" of you, the problem of "you" focusing on "self business" on the "outside" of you, rather than on "Self-less or God business" on the "inside" of you. 

Because only God can solve that problem, the problem of "you", because in truth it is His Problem, not your problem, it is the Problem that He created when He set out to complete His Intention within you, which is to reveal God to God within you.  But you can recognize this as a problem, you can recognize it as His Problem, you can recognize "you" as His Problem, you can recognize "you" as "separate from" God as His Problem, as what is preventing Him from completing what He has started within you, and having recognized His Problem you can hand it to Him, you can hand it to the One who can solve it. 

You can do that, you can task God to solve His Problem, because He has solved this problem before.  But this time He has to solve it within you.  But this time you have to get Him to solve it again, and this time within you.  In this way, with "you" having clearly identified "you" as God's Problem, and with "you" having identified God within you as the only one who can solve His Problem within you, and with "you" having tasked God to solve His Problem, with faith and trust in God, that God within you can and will solve His Problem within you, if you but properly ask Him to do it, then, and only then, can God solve His Problem within you. 

In this way, once you have correctly identified the problem, and you have correctly tasked Him to solve it, and you have come to completely support His solving of His Problem, which means the end of "you" as you now know and understand "you", then He will do that work, He will most certainly do it, He will cure Himself of "you", of "you" as "separate from" Him, when, and only when, you completely realize, understand, accept, and join with Him to do it, without any doubt in His solution to His Problem, which is the ending of  "you" as "separate from" Him, and the beginning of "you" as "One with" Him.  You can do that, because God created you to do that, and thank God you can do that, because that is all you have to do.  He will do everything else. Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continued:

The only real problem that you face is that you can't do that, you cannot do that work, you cannot shift your focus off of the world of illusion "outside" of you and onto the truth of God within you.  You can not do that work.  But you don't have to do that work, because you have within you what can do that work, because God has personally and ever so lovingly placed it, what can do that work within you, there within you even before you came to this world, which can do that work for you, if you will but properly call Him to do that work, and the One who can do that within you for our age is "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him).  Know it now, my dearest loving sister Rumi, and act accordingly.

Instead of this, instead of calling Bawa to do this work within you, with each look, with each breath, with each thought, with each intention, with each experience, with each moment, with each time of prayer, you are looking at the life of "separation and differences" that has grown in your ignorance "inside" of you, and that you now see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of you, as "you" and your brothers and sisters living in the world "outside" of you, and you are trying to either play or not play the drama that is your life.  That is the problem, my dearest loving sister.  That is the only problem any of us face in this life.

That is your problem, my dearest loving sister Rumi, that is the problem for all of us, the life of "separation and differences" that has grown on the inside of you, that now defines the life of "separation from" God on the "outside" of you, that in truth defines you as "you" and all of your brothers and sister living together in the world that you all see in your ignorance as existing "outside" of you, rather than the life of wisdom and of truth within you, rather than the life of your Shaikh and of God within Him.

Rather than the life of Iman, of wisdom, and of Ilm or divine knowledge, that has yet to grown within you, on the "inside" of you.

If you will but let it, when you learn to hand your "outside" to your "inside", when you learn to hand "you" and your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you to your wisdom, to bring the "outside" of you to an end, by harvesting the "inside" of you from the "outside" of you, like a wheat plant ends when it hands itself to the farmer, allowing the farmer to harvest the 1000 wheat seeds from the one wheat plant, that grew out of the one wheat seed into the one wheat plant.

Such is the true value of our life, to be harvested by our wisdom, and by God within Him, the true value that you and many of us are failing to take advantage of, before we die, or before the premature destruction of the world "outside" of all of us can occur.  May we both think about this a little.  It is very, very important.  We don't have a lot of time left to do this divine work within our own hearts, to become clear in our mind, to become pure in our hearts, and as the pure heart and the clear mind, to reflect the beauty of God to the two world within us, as Muhammad (Sal.), as the Messenger of God for our age, to all of the Creation of God within us, in the 18,000 universes within us, and to all of our brothers and sisters still living on the "outside" of us.

The problem that you face, and many of us still face, is that we are like a person looking through a telescope, but failing to make the necessary adjustments to bring what is really there in focus.  And instead is using his imagination to make up what he thinks is there.  That is the problem

You are being deceived by your own mind and desire into believing in things that are not really there, like believing that "you" and your brothers and sisters are living at the Fellowship, at 5820 Overbrook Avenue,  in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 

My dearest loving sister Rumi, do you begin to see and understand the enormity of the problem that we all face, and why we can never solve this problem alone, without the Power of God, without the intervention by our wisdom, and by the truth of God within us, without the intervention by our Shaikh within us, and by God within Him?

For as Bawa teaches us in the book, "Questions of Life - Answers of Wisdom", and in the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar, for July, 1998,

          "The body is the one veil that separates a True Man from God.  All the other veils
          must be torn away.  All the forces of the mind, all the miracles must be cast off,
          so they can no longer deceive us and turn us into snakes and scorpions, dogs
          and foxes, demons, and crazy men."

          "We must tear them out by the roots and throw them away, only then can we
          establish a connection with God.  The heart is a mirror that can help us establish
          the connection of devotion to God.  We must see ourselves in that mirror and
          speak to God."

9.  The Only Way To Win The Drama, That Is Our Life, Is Not To Play


This is the work, learning how "not to be there", learning how to make it so "God is there".
For as Bawa teaches us,

          "If you are there, God is not there, and if God is there, then you are not there". 

This is the work, learning how "not to be there", with the Iman, the absolute faith, certitude, and determination, that if "you" as "separate from" God" are not there, then most certainly, "you" as "One with" God will be there.  That is God's guarantee

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continued:


The best name for what you are doing, is

          "Trying to win the drama of your life by trying to play the drama".

But remember, Bawa teaches us,

          "The only way to win the drama is not to play."

The problem is that you can't stop playing the game, the drama of your "self" existence with your brothers and sisters in the world that you see in your ignorance as existing "outside" of you.  That is the problem.  Nothing else.


You can't leave "you" or your brother and sisters alone, you can't leave the world alone, you keep trying to move it, or change it, or make something happen to it, or in it, to make something in the dream of your life turn out in a certain way, like having your sisters like you, or dis-like you, or having one of your brothers marry you, or not marry you.

In this way, "you" want them to join with you, or not to join with you, or to be with you in certain ways, or to treat you in a certain ways, to join with you in certain ways, or to leave you alone in certain ways, or etc., or etc., or  etc., 

That is the only problem, my dearest loving and "living" sister Rumi.  You are playing with the world, and you are simply experiencing the things that happen when you play with the world, you are happy, and then sad, and then happy, and then sad, and then happy, and then sad, and the world, and all of your brothers and sisters in the world, will continue to treat you in this way, until wisdom dawns within you, or you die, or the world "outside" of you is prematurely destroyed for all of us.

And if you die in this state, in this state of "separation from" God, then you must meet the Angel of Death, experience the suffering of the grave, and Qiyamah (The Standing Forth; The Day of Judgment), and eventually be given an eternal life of "separation from" God.

But if you get rid of this state before you die, and before the world "outside" of you is prematurely destroyed, if you get rid of this state of "separation from" God on the "outside" of you, right now,  by establishing the state of "Oneness with" God  on the "inside" of you, right now, by realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within you, right now (may God be pleased with Him), by handing your wisdom and the truth of God within you, to your wisdom and to the truth of God within you, right now, by handing you Shaikh within you and God within Him, to your Shaikh within you and to God within Him, right now, by handing Them to Them, right now, by handing the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) that "Bawa" has given you on the "outside" of you, to the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within you (may God be pleased with Him), and do it right now, then you and all of your brothers and sisters will be successful in their lives

Then They (you Shaikh within you and God within Him) will use what you have handed them, They will use this grace, and wisdom, and ilm or divine knowledge of God for this age, this life and teaching of God for this age, to liberate your soul, to liberate the life of your soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him), from the cross of your elemental body, by pulling out the 5 nails known as the 5 elements, known as the five elemental lives, known as the 5 desires, of desire for earth, fire, water, air, and ether, and join the life of the soul with your wisdom.

And then go in search of, find, and join this Life of Wisdom within you, known as Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), join Him with the Nur within you, that God placed on the forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, as the light of our wisdom, as the body of the soul, allowing This temporary life of "Oneness with" God within us to become an eternal life of "Oneness with" God within us, and in this way, allowing God within us to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, allowing True Man within us to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, and in this way, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man within True Man and God within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, as in truth an apple tree is the Oneness of the apple tree, the apple, and the apple seed. 

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

My love you, my dearest loving sister Rumi.  

Remember, Bawa teaches us that,

          "Its all crazy, its all wrong, its all over, what's next." 

My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

10.  Relying On The Power of God To Reveal God Within God Within Your
          Shaikh Within You, Not On "You" As "Separate From" God, In Any Way

In this way, we have to line up all the dots correctly, then everything will work the way God has already designed everything to work, in order to complete His intention within us. 

That is why the path of God is really but a path of expanding consciousness, of an expanding understanding of who God is, that in truth, "Only God exists". 

That is why Bawa teaches us, that,

          "A Sufi is one who settles into stillness through the realization that everything is

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continued:


We have tried to stop playing, but later we realized that we are full of resentments. There is soooooo much stuff inside of us, blocking the realization of True Man within us.  How do we let go of all that stuff?


The answer is simple, my dearest loving sister Rumi.  Stop trying to let go, stop trying to "stop playing" the drama, stop trying to do anything.  Instead, be content with what you are experiencing, through the realization that what you are experiencing is not "you", is not "you" and your brothers and sister, living in the world that you see in your ignorance as existing "outside" of you, be content with the experience, and as Bawa teaches us,

          "Whatever comes, let it come, whatever goes, let it go."

The point isn't the experience, but rather, what you did with the experience.  Don't hold onto the experience as defining "you" as "separate from" God, instead, look at the experience, try to understand it as best as you can, and then hand it to your wisdom, and to the truth of God within you, hand it to your Shaikh within you, and to God within Him, and let Them deal with it, let them extract the point of it, and store the point of it within you, in the secret room of your heart, let Them deal with it as defining "you" as "One with" God within you.  That is the way, my dearest loving sister Rumi.

You trying to let go of something, or change something, or get something, or make something happen, or make something stop that is happening is all craziness, is just arrogance, karma, and illusion, is all about the illusion of "you, all about "you" as "separate from" God, and has nothing to do with the reality of "you", has nothing to do with the reality of "you" as "One with" God.

My dearest loving sister Rumi, accept this truth of your life, of all of our lives, the truth that "you" trying to "stop playing" the drama is the same as "you" trying to "play" the drama, because both are the same, both are "self" worship, both keep "you" as "separate from" God alive, alive on both the "inside" of you and on the "outside" of you, both keep you alive on the "inside" of you as the lives of darkness within you, within the world of darkness within you, and on the "outside" of you as "you" and your brothers and sisters living lives of "separation and differences", both keep you alive as your first child, as the child of darkness within you, that you gave birth to around the age of 2, in this way, crucifying the life of your soul, crucifying Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the cross of your elemental body with the 5 nails of desire, desire for earth, fire, water, air, and ether.

Both keep alive this child of darkness within you that you gave birth to within you long ago, that has been gradually coming to maturity within you every since, as the "beast" within you, the "beast" which if it ever comes to full maturity within you, will come into the "outside" world of us all, and in this way, prematurely destroying the "outside" of us all, as well as all of us still living in the world who still believe in the world on the "outside" of us, in this way, destroying "you" and "me" and all of our brothers and sisters, destroying all the things we all see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of you.  This is the premature destruction of the world, that can end forever any chance for any of us to get it right, before we die.  Such is the true potential for destruction within each of us, my dearest loving sister Rumi.  May we both think about this a little. It is very, very important.

That is the problem with "you" trying to stop the drama.  It doesn't change anything.  Instead of this, instead of "you" as "separate from" God trying to stop the drama, "you" need to stop "you" as "separate from" God within you, and the only way to do that work, is for "you" not to do it, is for "you" as "separate from" God not to do it, is for "you" to get what God has placed within you, that can do that work, to do that work within you, and the name of that for this age, is "Bawa" or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" or
"Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen"
(may God be pleased with Him).  That is the way, my dearest loving sister Rumi.  That is the only way.

What has to end on the "outside" of you is "you" on the "outside" of you, nothing else, nothing more and nothing less.  What has to end is "you" as "separate from" God, not "you" playing the drama, and not "you" trying not to play the drama.  The only reason the drama "outside" of you is continuing to play is because "you" as "separate from" God are continuing to exist "outside" of you. They are One.  You as "separate from" God and the drama on the "outside" of you are One.  The drama of your life "outside" of you is "you" as "separate from" God on the "outside" of you.  And "you as "separate from" God on the "outside" of you is the drama of you life "outside" of you.  Know it know, and start to act accordingly.

11.  There Is No True Death Without A True Birth, There Is No True Birth
          Without A True Death


In this way, expand your consciousness to include your Shaikh within you, and God within Him, as "who you are", allowing Them to continue and finish what They have already started within you, which is reveal the Other, for God to reveal True Man and for True Man to reveal God.

In this way, allowing you to end, as "separate" from Them within you, and allowing you to begin, as "One with" Them within you. 

In this way, allowing "who you are" to be defined as the "Oneness" of Them, as the
"Oneness of God and True Man" within you, as an apple seed is correctly defined
as the "oneness of the apple fruit and the apple Tree" hidden within it, hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth.

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continued:

My dearest loving sister Rumi, your can't have it both ways, you can't have both "you" as "separate from" God and "you" as "One with" God.  One has to leave for the other to come, the apple seed must die for the apple tree and apple to live.  That is just how it works.

You have not yet come to grips with this reality of your life, with the reality of "you" ending, of the necessity of "you" as "separate from" God ending, in order for "you" as "One with" God beginning. 

This is like the apple seed buried in the earth.  In order for the life within it to live in the earth, which is the tree, its life in the earth as the seed of the tree must end, must die.  The apple seed buried in the earth must die so the apple tree buried in the earth can begin.  One ends and the Other begins. 

In this way, let the One of you die so the Other of you can live, let "you" as "separate from" God end both within you and "outside" of you, so the Other of "you", which is "you" as "One with" God can begin, can live.  You cannot have both, you cannot be both.  One has to end for the other to begin.

This is why Bawa teaches us,

          "There is no true birth without a true death, and there is no true death without a
          true birth."


You still want to exist, as "separate from" God within you.  You still want to live with your brothers and sisters in the world that you see in your ignorance as existing "outside" of you.  That is the only problem.  What to do?  

The answer is very, very simple.  Realize, understand, accept, and join with this truth of your life, accept these faults of your life, accept that what you have first given birth to within you, in your ignorance, is the child of darkness within you, your first child that is now coming to maturity within you, as the "beast", which is just waiting within each of us to come out of one of us and prematurely destroy  the "outside" world of all of us, and in this way, destroying forever any chance for any of us to get it right before we die.

Accept this child of darkness within you, that you now see and experience in your ignorance as "you" living "outside" of you with your brothers and sisters, this child of darkness within you that now wants to rule your life, that now wants to drag your life to hell, along with the life of all of your brothers and sisters living with you on the "outside" of you, that now wants to keep the life of the soul crucified on the cross of your elemental body, until you die, or until it can come out of you as the beast, or until you finally win over the beast within you, until you finally hand this problem of your life, this child of darkness within you, to God within you, to your Shaikh within you and to God within Him, making it Their Problem, not your problem, and be done with it.

My dearest loving sister Rumi, the sister of the heart, of the One heart of God for our age, of the heart of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). That is the only thing to do, to hand this child of darkness that has grown in hiding within you to your wisdom, to the truth of God within you, and to hand what you have mistakenly seen as the life of "you" and your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, to your Shaikh within you, and to God within Him.

So They can destroy this first born within you, by passing judgment on all of the lives of darkness that have grown within you, by passing judgment on all of the lives of earth, fire, water, air, and ether that in your ignorance have grown within you, that have fallen out of the state of the Kalimah within you, and are now quickly coming to maturity as the "beast" within you, and as such, that now threaten to prematurely destroy the world "outside" of us, for all of us still living only in this "outside" world, before we have learned to become again One with God and True Man within us.

My dearest loving sister Rumi, there is no other way.  Please turn away from the life of Rumi on the "outside" of you, right now, before it is too late, before you die, or before the "beast" within one of us comes out and prematurely destroys the "outside" world for all of us.  Please trust in God alone, not in Rumi of the "outside" world, or in the brothers and sisters of Rumi of the "outside" world.  Hand her away right now.  Get rid of her before the child of darkness within you destroys you, and hands you over to the Angel of Death within you.  Before it is too late for you, and perhaps for all of us.

Please do this work right now, by joining with your Shaikh within you, and with God within Him, to liberate the life of the soul within you, which in truth is the One soul within all of us, the One soul that must become the life of our Shaikh within us, with us as His form, as the 99 wilayats or powers of God, as the Qualities and Actions of God, and with God within us as the True Disciple within us, as the One who studies in "Us" as His School, as the One who prays on "Us" as His Prayer Mat. 

May we both join together to do this divine work of God, to complete God intention within us, which is to reveal God within God within us, by first revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us.  May we both join with our Shaikh, with our Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him) to do this work, before it is too late for all of us.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

12. We Have To Task God Within Us To Complete God's Intention Within Us


Then, and only then will we be successful in our life, only then will we find peace in this world, and in the next world, when we stop tasking our mind and desire within us, to take us to hell, to an eternal life of "separation from" God.

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continued:


My dearest loving sister Rumi, you must both realize that only God can do what you are trying to do. That is why nothing is changing.  You have to get God to end the drama, by ending "you" as "separate from" Him.

It only works that way, by bringing in God to get God to do what only God can do within you, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within you, which means the end of "you" as "separate from" God, like and apple seed dies in the earth so the apple tree can happen in the earth.  Do you understand?


Everything in your life is "the drama", the drama of Rumi existing as "separate from" God, not just the parts that you don't like.  All of it is the drama, both the parts you like and the parts you don't like.  It all has to go.  It all has to come to an end, before you die, and before the world "outside" of all of us is prematurely destroyed.

(Note: to read more on the premature destruction of the world "outside" of all of us, and what we can do to either cause or prevent it, please read Spiritual Letter 33, "To Truly See All People As Our Brothers Is Islam")


Yes we understand. How does it go. We do our "Fathers Prayer" and we call on Bawa to come. 

Could you say something more about:

          "Fourth, you may be failing to accept your faults, and instead are trying to
          change them."

13. The Two Choices That We Always Have, Until We Die, Or Until The World
          "Outside" of Us Is "Prematurely Destroyed" By One of Us


These two choices are either to join with our mind and desire, with the lives of darkness within us, with our life of "separation from" God on the "outside" of us, in order to keep Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on the cross of our elemental body,
we can continue to sin on the "outside" of us, in order to nourish the lives of darkness within us, eventually sending the life of the soul to hell, when we die, to an eternal life of "separation from" God.

Or to join with our wisdom and the truth of God within us, with our Shaikh within us and with God within Him, to liberate the life of our soul, to liberate Jesus (peace be upon Him) from His cross by pulling out the 5 nails of desire, join it with our wisdom, and with the light of our wisdom, to make the life of our soul eternal, in order to complete God's intention within us, which is to reveal God within God within us, by first revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continued:


Yes, we can say something more about the Fourth item,

          "You may be failing to accept your faults, and instead are trying to change

For example, "you" sitting in Bawa's room as "separate from" God dreaming about Rumi as "One with" God, dreaming about the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and "you" sitting in the girls room having feelings of resentment toward your sisters, are both exactly the same, and can both be used for two completely opposite reasons within you, to either keep the life of the soul, to keep Jesus (peace be upon Him) crucified on the cross of your elemental body, until you die,  or to liberate the soul, to remove the life of the soul from the cross of this elemental body, to join it with wisdom, and then to join it with the Nur, the light of our wisdom, the body of the soul, before you die, and before the world "outside" of all of us is prematurely destroyed, in order to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man.

In this way, both of them can be used for two completely opposite reasons.  For example, if they are looked at with your ignorance, through your mind and desire, they can both be used for the nourishment of the life of "self" worship within you, for the nourishment of the lives of darkness within the huge world of darkness "inside" of you, for the nourishment of your life as "separate from" God on the "outside" of you, for the nourishment of  your life as "separate from" your  brothers and sisters in the world that you see in your ignorance as existing "outside" of you, and for nourishment of your life as "separate from" the Creation of God within you.

Or both of them can be used for the destruction of the life of  "self" worship within you, the destruction of the lives of darkness within you in the huge world of darkness within you, and the destruction of the life of "separation and differences" with your brothers and sisters in the world you see in your ignorance as existing  "outside" of you.

In this way, when both of them are seen and understood through your wisdom, and through the truth of God within you, when both of them are seen and understood through your Shaikh within you and God within Him, then both of them are seen as being exactly the same, as both of equal value, of either of no value to you as "separate from" God , or as of great value to "you",  to your Shaikh with in you, and to God within you, when the "Three of You" are One, are  "One with" God within you, as the Oneness of God and True Man within you.

In this way, using our wisdom, and the truth of God within us, using our Shaikh within us and God within Him, both are seen and understood as being equally of no value when we keep either or both of them to ourselves as "separate from" God, and use either or both of them to further define "us" as "separate from" God, as "separate from" and our brothers and sisters living in the world "outside" of us, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us.

But when we hand both of them to God, with "no preference", with  no "desire" of one over the other, and say to God,

          "Thank you God, but no thank you.  What's next?".

And in this way, being completely willing for either one of them to occur again, and again, and again, until God is done with them, not you or I.  Then and only then, they will both be of great value to us, to "us" as "One with" God within us.

Remember, my dearest loving sister Rumi, you are His slave, and how He wants to use the life that He has placed within you, is "Ok by you".  Right.  Do you see the difference between these two ways of living, as the live that is "One with" God within us, and the life that is "separate from" God, and from everything else, "outside" of  us.

As the life "inside" of us, where the "inside" and the "outside" of us gradually become One, the life where gradually everything within us is us, and the life "outside" of us that "separate from"  everyone and everything, placing itself as the center of its own universe, talking about God, even worshipping God, but always as "separate from" its own life.

We both need to live this way, my dearest loving sister, as a true slave of God, not as someone trying to live successfully in the world with our brothers and sisters on the "outside" of us.  And only God can do the work of God within us, only God can bring our current life of "separation and differences", our life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God within us, to an end, and at the same time, in the process, to reveal, and to harvest the life of "Oneness with" God on the "inside" of us, that God has hidden within it, that God has personally and ever so  lovingly hidden within the life "separation from" God on the "outside" of us.

My dearest loving sister Rumi, only God can do this work, this divine work of God,  this divine work of revealing God within God, by first revealing True Man within the Creation of God, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and the Creation of True Man within us, certainly not Rumi or Louie in their current state of "separation and differences".  May we both think about this a little.  It is very, very important.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

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This page was last updated on: November 22, 2002