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Title: "The Only Way To Win The Drama Is Not To Play",
Date: November 15, 2002,
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi Smith

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us. 

May God help us all.  My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Text of Spiritual Chat 33 (expanded version): - continued

14.  More On Wisdom Point Three: "We May Be Missing The Point Of Our Life,
          And Wasting It"


Yes we understand. This is very helpful, Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

May Allah protect us from (falling to properly consider, understand, and apply) Wisdom Point Three, that you shared above,

          "Third, we may be missing the point of our life, and wasting it."


Yes, and He will if that is our intention, if we learn to live as Bawa teaches us to live as a true human being, if we learn to use our wisdom, and the truth of God within us, if we learn to trust in our Shaikh within us, and in God within Him, if we learn to,

          "Make God's intention our search."

Remember my dearest loving sister Rumi, it all starts with our,

          "Intending as God Intends". 

And that is why we have the "Father's Prayer", as well as all of the other parts of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), both on the "outside" of us, and on the "inside" of us, in order to correctly set our intention, in order for our life to be always moving according to God's intention for our life, for our life as "One with" God within us, and not moving according to "our" intention for our life as "separate from" God. 

That is the real work in our life, as Bawa teaches us on page 11, in the "Invocation To The Guru", in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom", to,

          "Seek and learn standing on the path,
          And ask with a melting heart."

When you have been caught by the drama it is to late to do anything. Bawa stressed this wisdom point over and over again.  To deal with the drama of your life is your work, before the drama comes to you, not to react to the problems that you face when after the drama has caught you, and is eating you alive.

From what you are sharing, it sounds that you are getting caught by the drama, rather than successfully dealing with the drama.  If this is so, then shift your work to preparation rather than prevention.  Remember to start your day, and each waqt or time of prayer, with the "Father's Prayer", as the first thing of each day, and at the beginning of each of the 6 time periods in the day, before sun rise or when you get up, noon, afternoon, sunset, evening, and before you go to bed.  And followed the Father's Prayer by the "Invocation to the Guru", and the "Invocation to Allah" in "The Pearl of Wisdom" book. 

Learn to make your recital of these prayers, starting each of them, and even each line as this child  does, with the word "Bawa", or "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen", or "Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him), and in this way, make "your" life His life, and His life "your" life.

Let your day flow out of "God's Intention", instead of flowing out of "you" deciding what to do with the day that God has placed before you.  And then your turning to God when you  get into trouble.  Then it is too late, you are already in the belly of the snake and half eaten.  What can God do then? 

Recognize that the things that currently live within you love the world, want the world, and have no interest in wisdom or God.  It is the things of wisdom and God within you that are interested in wisdom and God, as the things of the world are interest in the world within you. 

In this way, let all three be, let them exist, and get into handing the world within you to your wisdom, so the wisdom within you can hand God within you to God.  That is how it works, not you trying to deal with all three yourself. 

That is what is meant by,

          "You may be failing to accept your faults, and instead are trying to change them".

In this way, you must realize them, understand them, accept them, and then join with your Shaikh within you to get them "out of your hands" and "into God's hands" within you.  Only God can change them, can remove them, can deal with them properly, because in truth they are not faults, they are the sifat of the dunya, they are the form of the earth world that has grown within you, as the lives of darkness within the huge world of darkness within you.

And what you are experiencing as "your" faults are merely the qualities and actions of lives of Creation within you, the qualities and actions of the lives of incompleteness within you, the qualities of the lives of the 5 elements within you that have fallen out of the state of the Kalimah, and to cure "you" of  your faults requires that the 5 elements move back into the state of the Kalimah within you, that the sifat of the dunya become the sirr or secret of the dunya.

This is why Bawa teaches us, that,

          "Nothing will ever change until it is understood, because its purpose for being
          there in the first place is understanding."

My dearest loving sister Rumi, we have not come here to become good, or to become pure, or to get wisdom, or even to become the truth, we already have all of these things, but we lack the understanding of them, and of the source of them all which is God, which is the only true source of each of us.

We have come here, to this earth world, from the world of souls, to understand who we already are, and having understood, to return to God from which we have all come, and all of these things, like goodness, purity, wisdom, truth, and the sifat or form and the sirr or essence of the dunya, as well as the essence of God or Dhat of God, and the grace of the Dhat of God  which is the Qutb of God, and the 9 stations of Muhammad (Sal.) and the 11 stations of the Qutb of Allah (Ral.), are all to complete God's intention within us, which is for us to understand who we already are, and becoming True Man within the Creation of God, which is akhirah or the hereafter, reveal God within the
, within the Kingdom of God, and in this way, revealing the Oneness of God and True Man, which in truth is God and True Man within us.

In this way, as the nothing that is True Man, as the no-thing, we must travel through everything, understanding who we already are, and ending as the No-thing that is God.

This is what we must both do, my dearest loving sister Rumi, not get caught in the drama of "self" existence, in a life of "separation and differences", to a temporary life of "separation from" God, that will only lead us, after we die, to the Angel of Death, to the suffering of the grave, to Qiyamah (The Standing Forth; The Day of Judgment), and eventually to an eternal life of "separation from" God.

May we both think about this a little.  It is very, very important.  The state of our eternal life depends on it.


Yes, that is very helpful. The wisdom is the Shaikh.

15. Stop Trying To Make Rumi Better


Instead leave Rumi on the "outside" alone, and intend that Rumi go away, intend that your first child die, as the child of darkness that in your ignorance you gave birth to around the age of 2, and say the word "Bawa" each time you make that intention, then Rumi of the "outside" will leave all by herself, and Rumi of the "inside" will appear, also all by herself, because She has to come as your second child, as your child of Light, if you turn away from your first child, your child of darkness, intending that she end, intending that she die, and say the word "Bawa" each time you so intend.

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:


In this way, stop trying to make Rumi better, and instead, recognize that what you are experiencing as Rumi, is only the Rumi that is of the world, it is the Rumi that has been make by the world within you, so the world within you can live in the world "outside" of you, and nourish the world of darkness hidden within you, and all of the lives of darkness within that world,  by the sins of Rumi displayed for all to see on the "outside" of you. 

See that Rumi, of the "outside" of you, for what it is and become peaceful with it, handing it to your wisdom, to Bawa within you, whenever you experience it, so He can remove the Rumi of the "outside" of you, so He can harvest from it the Rumi of the "inside" world, the Rumi that is "One with" God within you.  Stay in that state and stop being pulled into the Rumi of the "outside" of you as "who you are". 

Instead, let the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within you (may God be pleased with Him) be "who you are", and spend your time handing the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of you to your wisdom, to Bawa within you, so He can make the Rumi on the "outside" of you into the Rumi on the "inside" of you, so He can make you as "separate from" God into "you" as "One with" God.  That is His work, if you will allow Him to do it, and it you hand Him what He needs to do it, which is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) and you as Rumi on the "outside" of you. 

That is the way, that is how you "accept your faults without trying to change them", by getting your wisdom to change them, when you hand them to your wisdom, to Bawa within you, whenever they come in front of you, and in this way, be done with them, and instead, get into what Bawa is doing within you, which is revealing True Man within you, and what God is doing within Him, which is revealing God within True Man within you. Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

16. More On Wisdom Point Four: "Nothing Has To Be Ever Spoken On The


The key to understanding this wisdom point is to know more about the one who is
currently speaking
"outside" of you, about the one who has really nothing of value to say, and to know more about the Other One, the Silent One within you, the One hidden within you, hidden within the one who is currently speaking "outside" of you, the Silent One within you who has a great deal of value to say, but is currently silent.

And how we must give birth to both, and join with our Shaikh within us, and God within Him, to make the first child within us, the child of darkness within us, to sit down and
be quiet
on the "outside" of us, and to eventually go away when our "outside" as "separate from" our "inside" goes away, and to make the second child within us, the child of light, to stand up and begin to speek within us, and eventually to teach all of us "what we do not know"

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:


Yes, this is the way. What a grace for this beautiful explanation. Al hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

What do you mean when you say,

          "Nothing has to be ever spoken on the outside?"

This is a very big issue for us.


Speaking on the "outside" of you only nourishes the life within you, the shadow lives of darkness within you, that want "you" to continue to live on the "outside" of you, that want you to continue to sin, so they can be nourished on the "inside" of you, that want "you" to continue to live lives of "separation and differences" with your brothers and sisters in the world that you collectively see in your ignorance as existing "outside" of you, so they can continue to live and prosper on the "inside" of us, until you die, and join with them in hell, in an eternal life of "separation from" God, which is the last thing we want to do. 

Instead, we need to become silent on the "outside" of us, and learn to speak anew from the "inside" of us, but again, only God can do this work within us.

For as Bawa teaches us,

          "God is the One who must make the one who speaks, silent, and the one who
          is silent, speak."

In this way, you first need to keep feeding the wisdom life "inside" of you with wisdom from "outside" of you, you need to keep feeding the child of wisdom "inside" of you, your second child, your child of light, with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen "outside" of you (may God be pleased with Him), the child that you are raising in partnership with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with HIm) "inside" of you, and with God within Him, the child known as Rumi of the "inside" of you, or Rumi that is "One with" God within you, which in truth is your second child, the child that you must join with your Shaikh within you, and with God within Him, to give birth to and raise to maturity, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, in the 18,000 universes, within man and within God and within God and within man.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

The second child of Rumi, the child of light within you, who through the efforts of your Shaikh within you, and of God within Him, first becomes the Iman of Muhammad (Sal.) within you, which is the first son of Abraham (peace be upon Him) within you, which is
(peace be upon Him) in the "Pit of Fire" within you, then becoming the "Self Sacrifice" or true Qurban of Muhammad (Sal.) within you, or Ishmael (peace be upon Him) within you, which is the second son of Abraham (peace be upon Him) within you,
then emerging
out of the Power of God within you, which is the heart of the Shaikh within you, which for this age, is the heart of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, becoming in this way, the Wisdom of Muhammad (Sal.) within you, as the Dhat or Rasul of Allah within you, the Triple Flame of God within you.

And in this way, revealing the grace of the Dhat of Allah, as the Qutb of Allah within you, which through the third son of Abraham (peace be upon Him) within you, which is
(peace be upon Him), is reveal within you as Moses (peace be upon Him), then becoming the Light of our Wisdom, or the Nur Muhammad within you, and finally becoming Allah Muhammad within you, revealing in this way, True Man within the Creation of God within you, when the Triple Flame within you becomes One within you, becomes again the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, revealing in this way, God within the Creation of True Man within you. 

This is our true birthright my dearest loving sister Rumi, the true destiny of our soul, not "us" living lives of "separation and differences" with our brothers and sisters in the world we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

And for this reason, you need to stop feeding the first child that you have given birth to, in partnership with your mind and desire, in partnership with the world of darkness within you, your first child called Rumi of the "outside" of you, or Rumi that is "separate from" God within you, the Rumi that has become her mother living in the world, looking for her father.

And that first child of Rumi, the child of darkness within you, the child of Rumi that is "separate from" God within you, which has become big and strong "inside" of you, is fed through the life, through the qualities and actions of the Rumi on the "outside" of you, which is but a reflection of the child of darkness within you, is fed through the life and actions of the child on the "outside" of you, that you now see as "yourself", as "who you are", as "where you are", and as "what is happening" in your life, that is now seen as "you" living with your brothers and sisters in the world that you see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of you. 

That is the problem with living the drama of your life, you keep nourishing the child of darkness within you, and even worse, you fail to nourish the child of light within you, the child of wisdom within you, which in maturity first becomes Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) within you, which is the true state of shari'at within us, then
Shaikh Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen
(Ral.) within you, which is the state of  tariqat
within us, then
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) within you, which is the state of haqiqat within us, and finally, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), whch is the state of marifat and
with us.

Know this now, my dearest loving sister Rumi.  May we both know this now, without any doubt, and live our life accordingly, by handing the "outside" of us to our Shaikh within us, and to God within Him, to allow Them within us to pass judgment on the lives of darkness within us, and bring them to an end both "inside" and "outside" of us,
ending them "inside" of us as shadow lives of darkness that secretly rule our life through our mind and desire, through the 9 openings of our elemental body, and ending them "outside" of us as "us" and our brothers and sisters living lives of "separation and differences" in the world that we collectively see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

And to hand the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) on the "outside" of us , to Them on the "inside" of us, to our Shaikh within us, and to God within Him, so They can complete God's intention within us, so They can reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and God within the Creation of True Man within us.  May we both do it that way. 

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.


Truly, may God help us in His infinite grace and compassion.


More, concerning your earlier question about Wisdom Point One,

          "What do you mean when you say,

                    'Nothing has to be ever spoken on the outside?'"

To try and answer your question a little more, first ask yourself the following question,

          "What is implied by this question?"

When we did that, and handed it to Bawa within us, and to God within Him, we got the following answer:

          "First, that I exist "outside" of me.  Second, that my brother and sisters also
          exist "outside" of me.  And third, and most devastating, that therefore, the
          "outside" of me is what defines me and my brothers and sisters, not my Shaikh
          within me, and God within Him." 

Remember what we shared during our last visit to the Fellowship, when we shared that, Bawa teaches us that,

          "Before we die, we must realize and believe, without the slightest doubt, that
          there is absolute nothing existing "outside" of us, or that thought that the
          "outside" of us exists, is what will bring us back here again, and start us on the
          journey of 105 million rebirths."


Yes, thank you for that reminder, the thought of still believing in things outside of us at our death is frightening. Yes we came to that same devastating conclusion, and the (most devastation part of that) devastating conclusion, therefore, that the "outside" of me defines me and my brothers and sisters, (rather then, my Shaikh within me, and God within Him, as it should be).

17. "My Friends Are My Enemy And My Enemies Are My Friends"


Our friends are our enemy because our friends want "us" to stay with "them" as "separate from" God, which in truth is the hell of our life, a temporary life of "separation from" God that is only leading us to the Angel of Death and to an eternal life of "separation from" God, while our enemies are trying to interfere with and even destroy "us" as"separate from" God, which in truth is a blessing from God, a blessing which if we embrace with "Al-hamdu lillah and Allahu Akbar" will greatly accellerate and facilitate the ending of our temporary life of "separation from" God.

And the beginning of our temporary life of "Oneness with" God within us, of Oneness within our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, our temporary life as the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God" within us, within the Triple Flame of God within us, with the "Three of Us" as - The Disciple, The Shaikh, and God - and the "Three of God" as - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen, which will eventually lead us to an eternal life of "Oneness with" God within us, as the "Power within the Essence of Everything"  

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:


Time for a short story?


Yes please.


One day Crisi was sitting behind the bed of Bawa as He was conducting business in the room, and when He finished Crisi said to Bawa,

          "Bawa, I just realized that 'my friends are in truth my enemy.'"


Bawa was so very happy with what Crisi had shared with Him that He started to recite it to everyone who came into the room that day, He would tell them,

          "Crisi told Me today that she had come to the realization that 'her friends were in
          truth her enemy.'" 


One day Crisi told her husband Louie about what she had realize, about what she had told Bawa, and about what Bawa had told everyone coming into His room that day, that,

          "Crisi told Me today that she had come to the realization that 'her friends were in
          truth her enemy.'" 


And Louie handed what Crisi had told Louie to Bawa within him, and Bawa added,

          "And your enemies are in truth your friends".

Which Louie then told Crisi.


And in this way, that is the value of Spiritual Letter 33, "To Truly See All People As Our Brothers Is Islam", that in truth "our enemies are our friends", they are a gift from God to cut away from us something that has grown over our soul, something that is now separating our soul from God within us.

And as such are to be warmly embraced, not avoided and certainly not attacked, because if we do, in truth we are avoiding God, and attacking God, not our enemies.

For as Bawa teaches us on page 138, in Chapter 12, "The Inner Qur'an", in the book, "Islam And World Peace: Explanations of a Sufi",

          "Once we have this understanding, we will see that all men are our brothers, just
          as the Qur'an teaches us. To truly see all people as our brothers is Islam."

          "If we see anyone who is in need, we must offer him the water of the mercy of all
          the universes, the water of absolute faith, and the affirmation of that faith, the
          kalimah. That water must be given to everyone who is hungry or thirsty. We must
          embrace them lovingly, quench their thirst, and wash away their dirt. We must
          offer them love, compassion, patience, and tolerance, just as the Prophet did.
          This is what will satisfy their needs and dispel the darkness in their hearts."

          "My brothers and sisters in Islam, if we offer peace, then justice will flourish. Love
          will cut away all enmity. Compassion will cause God's grace to grow in this world,
          and then the food of faith and the mercy of all the universes can be offered. When
          that food is given, hunger, disease, old age, and death will be eliminated, and
          everyone will have peace."

          "Allah and the state of a true human being are right here within us. It is a great
          secret, hidden within our hearts, within the Umm al-Qur'an. Only if we can study
          this divine knowledge can we attain our freedom."

          "All who have faith must reflect upon this, understand it, and teach it to those who
          have less wisdom, to those who have no clarity of heart, to those whose minds
          oppose us, and to those who have no peace of mind. We must teach them these
          qualities, give them this food, this beauty, and this nourishment of grace and
          absolute faith. Every human being in the community of Islam, everyone who has
          faith, all those who are learned and wise, all the leaders of prayer and the
          teachers, all those who know the Qur'an-all must understand this."

          "This is what I ask of you."

May we both think about this little, my dearest loving sister Rumi, it is very, very important.



          "Inviting Saddam Hussein of Iraq to America, into our homes, and into our

As proposed in Spiritual Letter 33, is about this truth.  Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.


Anything else, my dearest loving and "living" sister Rumi?


Yes, we are fully aware of our enemies being our "friends" or couriers from The merciful God. Thank you for the story and thank you for the sharing. This has been very good.

We will have to stop because at 10 pm it is Rodger's time for AOL. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.

18.  A Closing Prayer And A Plea From The Heart


Please share this sharing with all of our brothers and sisters, only then will you benefit from this sharing, only then will you become the "Common Wealth" of God for this age, because only through this "Heart's Work" will your heart become clear and pure through the grace of the Shaikh within you, and of God within Him

Spiritual Chat 33, with Rumi - continues:


Ok.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all. 

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar. 

Please give my love and salams to all of our brothers and sister.  Please tell them that Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) loves them very, very much, and that they are always in my prayers.  And please share this sharing within them. 

This is how we really obtain any benefit from our sharings, by sharing them with our brothers and sisters, by becoming the "Common Wealth" of God to all of the Creation of God within us.


May God help us all. My love you Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen - anbu. Rumi

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This page was last updated on: November 22, 2002